Optical Illusion

“Things My Mom Taught Me” My Mom taught me TO APPRECIATE A JOB WELL DONE. “If you’re going to kill each other, do it outside. I just finished cleaning!” My Mom taught me about INDIVIDUALISM. “I bet if all your friends jumped off a bridge, you would too! My Mom taught me RELIGION. “You…
20 Really Cheesy Jokes 1.Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married.The ceremony wasn’t much, but the reception was excellent. 2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says,“I’ll serve you, but don’t start anything.” 3.Two peanuts walk into a bar, and one was a salted. 4. A dyslexic…
Shove It Up Your …! Upon arriving home in eager anticipation of a leisurely evening, the husband was met at the door by his sobbing wife. Tearfully she explained, “It’s the pharmacist – he insulted me terribly this morning on the phone.”Immediately, the husband drove downtown to accuse the pharmacist and demand an apology.Before he…
Signs Your Cow Has Mad-Cow Disease Your cow insists on wearing a little A-1 sauce behind each ear as cologne. She refuses to let you milk her, saying “Not on the first date.” Your cow gets a silicon implant for her udder. Your cow appears on Oprah, claiming to be a horse trapped in a cow’s body. Your cow…
The Texan Farmer A Texan farmer goes to Australia for a vacation. There he meets an Aussie farmer and begins talking. The Aussie shows off his big wheat field and the Texan says,“Oh! We have wheat fields that are at least twice as large.” Then they walk around the ranch a little, and the…