The Cool Person Test Are you COOL or not? Take the test below to find out. The length of this test will depend solely on how cool you are.
Funny Redneck Photos
There are 17 funny pics in this collection. The Redneck Jet ski Click here to go to the next funny redneck picture!
Redneck Nativity Scene
An Outsider in a small Texas town around Christmas time, saw a “Nativity Scene” that showed great skill and talent had gone into creating it. But one small feature was all wrong: the three wise men were wearing firemen’s helmets. Totally unable to come up with a reason or explanation, he left. At a “Quik…
Redneck Hunters 911 Call
Redneck 911 Call A couple of redneck hunters are out inthe woods when one of them falls to the ground.He doesn’t seem to be breathingand his eyes are rolled back in his head. The other redneck starts to panic, thenwhips out his cell phone and calls 911. He frantically blurts out to the operator,“O my…
Redneck on a Hot Date
Here’s a double dose of Redneck Humor for you! (Don’t get offended. The owner of is a redneck, too.) Redneck Medical Terms Artery………………….The study of paintings.Benign………………….What you be after you be eight.Bacteria………………..Back door to cafeteria.Barium………………….What doctors do when patients die.Cesarean Section…………A neighborhood in Rome.Cat Scan…………………Searching for Kitty. Cauterize……………….Made eye contact with her.Coma……………………A punctuation mark.Dilate………………….To…
The Ultimate Redneck Picture Collection
(1) The Redneck Dog Click here for redneck picture #2
The Stupid Test
OK. Pay close attention. Here is a very simple little test comprisedof four easy questions to determine the level of your intellect. Seeif you have what it takes to be considered “smart.” Your repliesmust be spontaneous and immediate, with no deliberating orwasting of time. And no cheating! On Your Mark, Get Set, Go… 1: You are…
Funny Picture – We Are Idiots – Priceless picture
Another Priceless Picture
The blonde and the coke machine!
The Blondeand the Coke Machine There was a beautiful young blonde who was going to a soda machine and she arrived there just before a business man coming to quench his thirst. She opened her purse and put in 50 cents, studied the machine a little, pushed a Diet Coke selection, and out came a…