Women Waiting for the Perfect Man- funny picture from Funnies.com
Don’t waste your time.
You’re NOT gonna find one!
Don’t waste your time.
You’re NOT gonna find one!
A struggling zoo’s main attraction, a gorilla, dies during their most popular season. They can’t afford to lose the gorilla so they secretly hire one of the employees to be a gorilla in a suit for an extra $500 a week. He quickly becomes even more popular than the original gorilla, everyone wants to see…
A blonde walks into a doctor’s office and tells the doctorshe’s broken every single bone in her body.“That’s impossible!” says the doctor. The blonde says, “No, it’s really true. Look!”She then touches her leg with her index finger and screams “Ouch!”Then she touches her arm and yells “Eeeeoooow!”Finally she touches her ribs and can barely…
Are you a complete drama queen? Take the test below to find out. The length of this test will depend solely on how much of a drama queen you are. If you are not a drama queen the test will last about five minutes. But, if you answer the questions incorrectly and prove to be…
Hands in the Clouds I would flip out if I saw the clouds form like this!
I found a website the other daythat claimed it had a database of over 80 million baby photoscollected from hospitals across the world.Just for fun, I entered my name and hometownand sure enough, it brought up my baby photo.I played around with it for about a half an hour.I typed in your name and it…