Happy Birthday, Smiles and Laughter

I hope your birthday
is filled with smiles and laughter!

I hope your birthday
is filled with smiles and laughter!
Which fruit would you pick first if you were handed the following: 1. Orange2. Apple3. Banana4. Coconut5. Pineapple6. Papaya7. Mango8. Cherry9. Black Grapes10. Peach11. Custard Apple12. Pear Did you know that you can tell what kind of personalities people have by the kind of fruits they like? Click on the name of the fruit you…
I Felt An Angel Near Today,Though One I Couldn’t See.I Felt An Angel, Oh-So-Close,Sent To Comfort Me. I Felt An Angel’s Gentle Kiss,Soft Upon My Cheek.And Oh, Without A Single Word,Of Caring It Did Speak. I Felt An Angel’s Loving Touch,Soft Upon My Heart.And With That Touch, I Felt The Pain,And Hurt Within Depart. I…
“Special”is a wordthat is used to describesomething one-of-a-kindlike a hug or a sunsetor a person who spreads lovewith a smile or kind gesture. “Special”describes peoplewho act from the heartand keep in mind the hearts of others. “Special”applies to somethingthat is admired and preciouswhich can never be replaced. “Special”is the wordthat best describesYOU!