Gross Eye Trick Funny Picture, a hilarious funny photo from
The Most Disgusting Eye Trick Ever

The Most Disgusting Eye Trick Ever
I saw this on a washroom wall at a truck stop on Highway 401, near Port Hope, Ontario a few years back: My mother made me a homosexual! Below in another handwriting: If I left her the wool, would she make me one too?
A blonde is explaining to her girlfriend the bad day she’d had at work, and that her boss had suffered a heart attack and died. “How horrible!” said the friend, “What did you do?” The blonde replies, “Well there was nothing I could do. He kept yelling at me to call 9-1-1, but he wouldn’t…
Gallery of Beautiful Pictures There are 23 pictures in this gallery. (The most popular is picture #20 – The Star and Moon on Earth) Beautiful Picture # 1 The Beauty of Tibet Click here to see the next beautiful picture!
Have you ever had this feeling?