How to Rob a Snowman, from
How to Rob a Snowman
How to Rob a Snowman
Life is NOT like a box of chocolates… It‘s more like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today,might burn your ass tomorrow.
The Cool Person Test Are you COOL or not? Take the test below to find out. The length of this test will depend solely on how cool you are.
The Most Disgusting Eye Trick Ever
Why I Am So Tired!!! For a couple of years I’ve been blaming it on lack of sleep,not enough sunshine, too much pressure from my job,earwax build-up, poor blood or anything else I could think of. But now I found out the real reason:I’m tired because I’m overworked. Here’s why: The population of this country…
A blonde walks into a doctor’s office and tells the doctorshe’s broken every single bone in her body.“That’s impossible!” says the doctor. The blonde says, “No, it’s really true. Look!”She then touches her leg with her index finger and screams “Ouch!”Then she touches her arm and yells “Eeeeoooow!”Finally she touches her ribs and can barely…