Amazing Cloud Picture – Hands in the Clouds
Hands in the Clouds
I would flip out
if I saw the clouds form like this!
Hands in the Clouds
I would flip out
if I saw the clouds form like this!
Farting Your Guts Out Bob and Martha have been married for 15 years. Every morning for 15 years, Bob wakes up, farts loudly, rolls over onto his back and gets up for work.Every morning for 15 years, Martha says, “One of these days, you’re gonna fart your guts out!”One Thanksgiving morning, Martha is preparing the…
The Cool Person Test Are you COOL or not? Take the test below to find out. The length of this test will depend solely on how cool you are.
I just popped up to say HELLO!
Slightly Offensive, Hilarious Pictures (proceed only if you are not easily offended) Click here to see Hilarious Picture #2