Gross Eye Trick Funny Picture, a hilarious funny photo from
The Most Disgusting Eye Trick Ever
Archive of Jokes from the 1990s
The Most Disgusting Eye Trick Ever
We’ll just take the most prominent for example’s sake: $ Michael Jordan having “retired,” with $40 million in endorsements, makes $178,100 a day, working or not. $ If he sleeps 7 hours a night, he makes $52,000 every night while visions of sugarplums dance in his head. $ If he goes to see a movie,…
Yet Another Reason Not To Pass Out At A Party
How to Rob a Snowman
Are My Testicles Black? A man is lying in bed in a Catholic hospital with an oxygen mask over his mouth. A young auxiliary nurse appears to sponge his face and hands. “Nurse,” he mumbles from behind the mask, “Are my testicles black?” Embarrassed the young nurse replies, “I don’t know, I’m only here to…